Is That A Wienkie In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? – from Steve
Is That A Wienkie In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? – from Steve

Is That A Wienkie In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? – from Steve

PAX:Bushwacker, Jose10k, Russo, Shooter, Steve, VTach

About once every three to four years, YHC finally tires of the endless Four Corners and the Doras and the 11’s, and attempts something more creative. (See Music Trivia Beatdown circa 2020 for last said attempt.) Today’s experiment? A game of Family Feud (minus the… families?) This experiment was made all the more exciting with a downrange visitor from Birmingham – VTach. And with Jose 10k in the audience to heckle and jeer at my simple math skills, what could go wrong?

Now I’m no Steve Harvey (though I do think I could give Louie Anderson a run for his money), so I did my best to keep it simple (cue Jose, “Hey, I gotta leave in 15 minutes, can we not make this a Bushwacker length explanation?):

– Each round (question) is associated with an exercise (noted alongside the question).
– Guess an answer on the board? We halve the points and do that many of said exercise.
– For every wrong answer, the Pax has to do 5 burpees.
– After three strikes, the round ends and we DOUBLE the points of each unguessed answer, then do that many reps of said exercise.

1. Name something snowmen might have nightmares about. (Freak Nasties)
Sun/Beach Weather (62)
Fire/Flame Throwers (14)
Blow Dryers (3)
Rain (3)
Snowplow/Shovel (3)
Drought (2)
Snowballs (2)
Peeing Dogs/Pee (2)

2. Name something that gets passed around. (Big Boys)
A joint (34)
A cold (23)
A collection plate (12)
A rumor (9) 
A baby (6)

3. Name something that might ripple. (SMK’s)
Water/Stream (63)
Body/Muscles (30)
Potato Chips (4)
Pants (3)

4. Name something that can be inflated or deflated. (Donkey Kickoffs)
Balloon (44)
Tire (25)
Beach ball (10)
Ego (7)
Raft (5) 

5. Name something that might be full of holes. (Bulgarians)
Swiss Cheese (40)
Clothes/Socks (16)
Alibi/Story (14)
Net/Fishing Net (9)
Colander/Strainer (8)
Golf Course (2)
Screen (2)
Road/Street (2)

6. Name something that a doctor might pull out of a person. (Hand Release Merkins)
A gerbil (32)
A baby (23)
A tumor (15)
A tooth (9)
A bullet (7)

The whole enterprise was worth it for the expression on Shooter’s face when he learned that gerbil was the top answer to this final question (“What is wrong with this world when gerbil is the top answer and stitches aren’t even on there?”). How he went his entire life without hearing the Richard Gere story remains a mystery.

COT and Russo prayed us out. Welcome VTach! Great having you in town and hope we get to see more of you. I’m sure one of us will make it up to a Birmingham AO at some point. And thank you gents for the patience on this one, YHC will definitely give it a go one Saturday where we can properly split up into “families.”