Man(y) Makers – Varying Rocks – from Mayhem
Man(y) Makers – Varying Rocks – from Mayhem

Man(y) Makers – Varying Rocks – from Mayhem

PAX:Bogey, Crack Spread, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Mahatma, Mayhem, Rougarou, Wedding Planner

Conditions: 83 def F, 85% RH, 87 deg F feels like temp

6/7 pax takeoff in the gloom down the track, picked up one on the way
1 pax went another direction

SLOWvigoda 10x IC
Grass Grabbers 10x IC
Mountain Climbers 15x IC
Crab Cakes 10x IC
Tie Fighters 10x IC & flapjack

To the rock pile
YHC: “get a rock that you can do man makers with”
Head to the football field

Thang 1 OYO:
Start at the goal line, murder bunny 10yds to first cone
Man Makers 10x
Squats with rock 10x
Big Bois with rock 10x
Murder Bunny 10yds to second cone
Man Makers 10x
Calf Raises with rock 20x
Flutter Kicks with rock 20x 2-is-1
Murder Bunny 10yds to third cone
Man Makers 10x
Thrusters with rock 10x
V-ups (optional with rock) 10x

Mumble Chatter included critiquing the rock size selection of others. Be nice.

Thang 2:
Line up on goal line
First pax runs with rock to the second cone and back while other 6 pax are doing an exercise
When runner returns, he calls out the next exercise, and a new runner takes off with the rock
Completed two rounds = fourteen exercises
Thanks for the extra Man Makers Hand Grenada

Thang 3:
Shuttle run with exercises
Run to first cone, 10 merkins, back to start
Run to second cone, 10 bonnie blairs 2-is-one, back to start
Run to third cone, 10 burpees, back to start

Thang 4:
Exercise dice @ 6 rounds
SSH, Squats x2, LBCs, chest press, and one more

Return the rocks
Back to the flag

Announcements: week 0 of iron pax challenge is right around the corner
Ended in prayer, continuing to lift up Bogey and his family
Great way to start the week