Can You Follow Instructions? – from Steve
Can You Follow Instructions? – from Steve

Can You Follow Instructions? – from Steve

PAX:Russo, Steve

With Chewy calling in for a replacement Q the night before and Russo’s Altima nowhere in sight, YHC was pretty confident it’d be a solo beatdown.

But that’s why you never bet against Russo, who pulled in shortly thereafter, barefoot but with shoes in hand, ready to rock. (The shoe-less drive, FYI, is not an uncommon thing – both Hammer and Bush have done this a few times as well.)

YHC was happy to be the Q because I wanted something mellow today. So kept things simple, with a mosey to the lake, stopping at each intersection to add an exercise and ladder up:

5 jump squats
10 lunges
15 merkins
20 gas pumps
25 shoulder taps
30 flutters IC

Along the way, we discussed the Olympics, drag queens, homeschooling, and the instructions test. Anyone remember that? Teacher gives you a list of instructions to follow, and basically the last one negates 90% of them, so then you look like an idiot if you did all 18 things on the list? Well, Russo and I both admitted to being that guy (but hey, that would be no surprise to my wife).

At the lake, we worked in some Bulgarians and freak nasties (as is customary), and followed that up with another lake tradition, 5x calf raises up each step.

Hit the road back to Granny’s with 10 merkins at each stop to get our merkin total up to 100, and closed it out with a little Mary.

COT and Russo prayed us out. As always, thanks for the post and the camaraderie – appreciate you brother!