Skip the Rocks -Train for the Rim – from Mahatma
Skip the Rocks -Train for the Rim – from Mahatma

Skip the Rocks -Train for the Rim – from Mahatma

PAX:Hand Grenada, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Rudy, SamBreaux, Wedding Planner, Barney Fife

It’s 10:30PM – where to head in the AM, there is always a fear that I may have signed up and forgot so check the sheet…..Rock City: empty, no hesitation, signed up and set the alarm! YHC drifted off to sleep thinking about what kind of beatdown to dream about.

With anticipation YHC woke ahead the alarm, grabbed the boombox and headed out. Pulling up Mr Rogers and Rudy were already in the bullpen chatting up the morning as to Rudy’s training for the WildWest mosey. While walking up SamBro was walking up with FNG Steve. Than Wedding Planer, Handgranada and Mayham showed up with smiles on their face….it must have been the sight of the Boombox!

Quick disclaimer for the FNG – Handgranada said something in Mississippian slang about how inspired he was! Off to warm. Just simple boring stuff but we got through it.

Then YHC instructed pax to meet at the entrance to the bleachers – with highly motivating tunes cranked up the Rim training begins 2 rounds through the bleacher gauntlet 3 sec interval between pax 5 burpees at the end; rinse and repeat – slower pax gave way to speeders in the 2nd round.

NOW the warm up is over. Head to the track for an Indian run 1 lap passing the BB from front to back with the last pax carrying it to the front Mayham did his best impression of John Qusack from the “Say Anything” movie running with BB overhead! Once complete we made our way around locked gates determined to get to the pull-up bars. Now 3 rounds of 3 PUs and 5 dead hang leg lifts then all pax were recovering in plank on the retaining wall for some push ups.

Now on to the gym for a lil bearcrawl stair climbing push ups.

Then RC’s version of “Good Morning” 3 rounds overhead press, claps followed by 5 donkey kicks and 1 handstand press.

Then one 2 team bearcrawl / lung around the gym.

With 8 minutes left another Indian Run back to the bleachers for 1 last sprint through the gauntlet finishing with 5 burpees.

Time was up so we begrudgingly headed back to the flag where upon our 5 core principles were stated for our then FNG, now known as “Barney Fife”.

Closed out with a prayer of gratitude and a reminder that each day is a morning glory of Mercy and new opportunity in life. It’s always an honor to lead. God Bless!