You have to CRAWL before you can LUNGE – from Mayhem
You have to CRAWL before you can LUNGE – from Mayhem

You have to CRAWL before you can LUNGE – from Mayhem


Conditions: 80 deg F with feels like temp of 84 deg F due to the 90% RH = perfect summer morning for a beatdown

Anxious to kick off the day, YHC arrived at 5:15am. Quick check on the field to make sure it was not too sloppy. By 5:30am we had a total of 11 including an FNG c/o Bolt. By 5:33am we had a dirty dozen as Triple joined us on Triple time.

Mosey to midfield for warmups: AV, GG, PPP, Crab Cakes, Tie Fighters, smurf jacks

Bear CRAWL 50 yards to end of the field
Mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock that you can do a bunch of thrusters with

Mosey with rock to the parking lot

A form of 11s OYO
10 burpees, 1 thruster, lunge walk to next tree with rock
9 burpees, 2 thrusters, lunge walk to next tree with rock
10 stops covered 100 yards
Felt the burn halfway through
Then 200 yard jog (back to start, back to finish)

Core Dora, partner up
One PAX exercises, other PAX grabs any rock and travels about 60 yards and back
100 big boys
200 V-ups (later modified)
300 LBCs (almost finished)

Grab a rock, two single file lines, indian “run” (more of a mosey)
Our lines were about as straight as when we all learned it in preschool

Back to COT, a few sprinted, all were gassed

Counterama, Namerama, Name the FNG, Announcements, Intentions, prayed it out

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! It was a good one!

Welcome Kingfish to the F3 brotherhood!
Shout out to Squints for his first ever post at Pontiff!
Shout out to Pinewood who came from the West Bank and has an 8:00am final exam today… good luck!