Sweet smell of success  – from Russo
Sweet smell of success – from Russo

Sweet smell of success – from Russo

PAX:Russo, Jose10k, Shooter

YHC picked up a full-in Q when Steve wasn’t able to make it, so we went to an old standby. I figured to throw some burpees in to help out Jose, but alas he was in the midst of his patented pre-thang thang as I drove up. We were joined by a Shooter and off we went.

Warmup (all IC, 10x)
-cherry pickers
-Arm circles
-torso twists
-self love
-Toe touches
-high knees

Pax knocked out the Deck of Death (exercise and count based on value and suit of the card turned over from a standard deck of playing cards). YHC likes to split the deck into 4 groups to vary up the exercises, with some moseying between rounds.

Round 1 at the benches
Hearts – Freak Nastys
Diamonds – step ups
Clubs – BSSs
Spades – Leg Raises

Round 2 at the fans
Hearts – SMCs
Diamonds – wide merkins
Clubs – monkey humpers
Spades – gas pumps

Round 3 at the bus stop
Hearts – shoulder tap plank jacks
Diamonds – durkins
Clubs – star jumps
Spades – crunchy frogs

Round 4 at the stage
Hearts – jump squats
Diamonds – donkey kicks
Clubs – Lunges (2 is 1)
Spades – wife pleasers

Somewhere along the way, the comment was thrown out about the unpleasant aromas emanating from sweaty mid 40s gents in the near 80 degree humid morning. One of us offered that it was a “sweet smell of success” so we’ll run with that for a while. It was not lost on YHC that in the three of us you probably had the gold, silver, and bronze medals of sweating: dukes of damp, masters of moisture, princes of perspiration. I would venture only Frank could give us a run for the podium.


All 10x IC
-Flutter kicks
-Box Cutters
-Freddy Mercurys

-One minute or so plank

COT, Name-o-Rama, announcements, and prayer closed us out. Thank you gentlemen for joining me and get better Steve!