Another Game of Chance  – from Enron
Another Game of Chance – from Enron

Another Game of Chance – from Enron

PAX:America’s Best, Honeysuckle, Popeye

The night prior to this morning’s beatdown, the power went out in YHCs neighborhood (along with many others) making the morning more difficult than normal. With the power still out at 11:15 PM and the temperature in the house rising to 81 degrees, there was a major question mark on if the scheduled Q was even going to be in attendance. Fortunately (possibly unfortunately for the PAX that was to show) the power soon returned, and the temperatures slowly started to drop.

3 Brave PAX arrived in the gloom this morning ready for what was to come. As AB arrived, there was a deposition (see Paradox, this doesn’t sound right) of coupons at the stage as chatter began about the holiday week dropping attendance some.

SSH, WM, Willie Mays Hayes, AC, Cherry Pickers, IW, Mountain climbers

Thang 1: The Core Mile
YHC led the group through rich man’s loop and the new section of neighborhood at the stage, stopping every quarter mile(ish) for the following:
Mile 0.25 – 25 Merkins
Mile 0.5 – 25 LBCs
Mile 0.75 – 25 Squats
We then returned to the stage for the main event of the morning.

Thang 2: A game of chance

YHC explained his love for games of chance, and the decision to let fate play a roll in what would be completed in this morning’s beatdown. This involved the following:

We would begin at 15 reps a randomly drawn exercise out of a “bucket” of potential exercises. Next that exercise would be performed before running a lap around the stage. Upon return to the stage, one PAX (rotating each round) would flip a coin. If the coin was heads, we would add 5 reps for the next exercise. If the coin was tails, we would subtract 5 reps. This allowed for things to potentially get much more difficult, or easier, depending on the flip of the coin as we progressed. Additionally, it was explained that if, by chance, we worked our way down to zero, there would be a “prize”. AB, immediately, and correctly, second guessed if this would be a true prize.

Round 1: 15 Bonnie Blairs 1=1
Round 2: (Heads) 20 American Hammers 2=1
Round 3: (Tails) 15 Skull Crushers
Round 4: (Tails) 10 Over Head Presses
Round 5: (Heads) 15 8-Count Body Builders
Round 6: (Tails) 10 LBCs
Round 7: (Tails) 5 Curls
Round 8: (Tails) 0 – And here was the prize… A 30 second 6-inch hold – only to also move the starting number up to 20 from 15. YHC also explained if we were to get to 0 again, this number would move up another 5 and so on.
Round 9: (Heads) 25 – This card said “___x2 second plank” resulting in a 50 second plank
Round 10: (Tails) 20 SSH
Round 11: (Heads) 25 Coupon Presses
Round 12: (Heads) 30 Wide Merkins
Round 13: (Heads) 35 Burpees – Fortunately as this dreaded card was turned it was 5:57 am and the PAX was saved by the bell after about 15 burpees.

Roughly 2.2 miles run.
Average number of reps: 17.31
Standard Deviation: 9.91
Median: 15 reps
Mode:15 reps

COT and Popeye prayed us out with special emphasis on safe travels for all and safety for the July 4th holiday.
