Just the facts, creativity tank is on empty  – from Russo
Just the facts, creativity tank is on empty – from Russo

Just the facts, creativity tank is on empty – from Russo

PAX:Steve, Jose10k, Russo

Right at about one million degrees and 345% humidity this morning for Pax of 3.

Warmup (all 10x)
– SSHs
– toe touches
– Torso twists
– Arm circles
– hillbillies

Mosey around old Mandy, stopping every block or so to do a 5-4-3-2-1 rep for different exercises.

Group 1 Reps/ exercises
5 T merkins
4 Peter Parker’s
3 Wide merkins
2 8 count body builders
1 Burpee

Group 2
5 SMCs
4 Ballerina squats
3 Imperial squat walkers
2 Star Jumps
1 Smurfjack

Group 3
5 Leg raises
4 Crunchy frogs
3 V ups
2 Gas pumps
1 Big Boy sit-up

After block 3, we performed all three groups before continuing on.

At the seawall, it was the modified “Steve circuit”, all 10x IC, sans those step downs he loves so much.

-freak Nastys
-Step ups

Reverse! On the way back and at home base, we reversed the rep count (e.g., 5 burpees, 4 8 counts, etc.)

Wrapped it up with some Mary:
– penguins
– Wife pleasers
– Freddie Mercury’s
– hello Dolly’s
– Rosalitas
– 1 minute or so plank

Quick COT and we were done for another day. Gentleman, as always, enjoyed the comraderie, even if I was quiet because it was brutally hot and I was sucking wind throughout. SYITG