At the Intersection of Okwata and DMD – from Fracsac
At the Intersection of Okwata and DMD – from Fracsac

At the Intersection of Okwata and DMD – from Fracsac

PAX:HIPAA, Dax, Squints, Cheese Steak, FracSac

YHC showed up and planted a flag. 4 other Pax showed up including Dax, HIPAA, Squints, and Cheese Steak. A brief disclaimer was given and off we moseyed towards the fountain then circled up in front for a warmup where there was a serious plank-o-rama.

Move to the fountain for double shots with Jack Webb at the Barre, which is ‘mericans followed by air presses in the people’s chair.

Mosey to the top of the levee for disperse Indian run. Pax that sprints to the front call disperse and an exercise. Pax go down complete 3 of said exercises and then run back up levee.

At the top of Canal is where YHC introduced the pax to my friend, DirtyMacDuece!
– 4 rounds of 3 x 12 count exercises including arms, legs, and core. Each round ended in a run down across and up with a bear crawl across the newly paved walkway.

No time for pull ups. I need to better manage time and our posterior chains.

Back to the flag for 0615



– I gave HIPAA some great advice today during the DMD. He should recommend more bear crawls to his patients. You’re welcome!
– Thanks to Cheese Steak we all know where Wilson lives now. His M says he slept in, she didn’t seem eager to let us in to wake him up.

Okwata is calling your name! Come check it out!