Spartan Murph – from Zoolander
Spartan Murph – from Zoolander

Spartan Murph – from Zoolander

PAX:Baby Yoda, Bird, Bushwacker, ET, Grundy, Jose 10K, Zoolander

A random shout out from Zoolander for an evening Murph , with Spartan related coupons, gathered the likes of Bushwacker, Bird, Jose 10K, and Baby Yoda to the Marsh for some extracurricular activities on this wet Sunday.

YHC showed up early after dropping Yoda off at OLL for his Eagle scoutmaster’s conference, and starting unloading a bevy of intensification items to be sprinkled into the workout. A lone basketball player was on the court and, after being approached by some weirdo with a couple of logs with handles and a huge tire, was 100% in for some F3-style pain!

Grundy was the next to show. After a quick introduction to our new addition, he was off early. You see, he was going to be a little slow…because he had a 30lb ruck sack on!

Next to appear was Jose, always an exuberant advocate of La cosa nostra F3, he started preaching to the already converted upon meeting Devon Marques (Mr. Right Place at the Right Time).

Bird and Zoo rolled up having finished a 2 mile pre thang, and we got down to brass Tax.


1 mile run from Livingston to the Lakefront and back, then beginning 20 sets, as a group, of 5 Pull ups (varied grips called out by Zoo throughout), 10 Merkins ( some using the logs for deep reps), and 15 Squats (some using the logs as weights or for Squat Thrusters). Random lagniappe as desired was a rope climb set up by the swing sets, Tire Flip (or carry if you’re Grundy aka Tank Jr), and Lunge Walks with the logs.

Baby Yoda walked up and jumped right in around round 4 or 5 and started Sweating with the Oldies! Devon was really giving it hell for an unexpected event of such retarded proportions, and thrilled to be just where he needed to be… and then proceeded to splash merlot! But that didn’t keep the young buck down, as we finished up round 20 and prepared for an extended final mile, looping back down Marigny. Now, as the PAX was departing on our closing mosey, Devon planted his phone in a front yard on Lamarque so as to avoid losing it on the run. Upon our return, well, he lost it! The PAX gathered to assist him in his search, and Baby Yoda who can find anything from lost phones to lost trails turned up the prize.


Count/Name special intentions for Devon’s quest of self-improvement, Jose prayed us out. Welcome ET (phone home)! Thanks to Zoolander (Chaka Zulu)for pulling this together. SYITG