Mothership 2024-06-01 – from Catfish
Mothership 2024-06-01 – from Catfish

Mothership 2024-06-01 – from Catfish

PAX:Ballast, Bogey, Bongo, Cheese Steak, el guapo, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Rudy, Smooth, Squints, Vagabond

Conditions – Warm & Wet

The Thang

Quick Mosey over to the peristyle for a warmup:

Hip Circles (clockwise) x 5 (in cadence)
Hip Circles (counterclockwise) x 5 (in cadence)
Abe Vigodas x 10 (in cadence)
Grass Grabber x 10 (in cadence)
Imperial Walkers x 20 (in cadence)
Mountain Climbers x 20 (in cadence)
Merkins x 10 (in cadence)
Peter Parker Peters x 20 (in cadence)
8-Count Bodybuilders x 10 (in cadence)

Everyone grabbed a column and held a People’s Chair for a round of Bat Wings :

Forward Arm Circles x 20 (in cadence)
Backward Arm Circles x 20 (in cadence)
Overhead Claps x 20 (in cadence)
Seal Claps x 20 (in cadence)
Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (in cadence)

Did a round of donkey kicks (x 15 in cadence) to finish up the leg burn, then took a mosey over to the garden area my the sculpture garden fence for:

Alternating leg step-ups (8-count) x 20 (in cadence)
Irkins x 20 (in cadence)
Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 (in cadence)
Derkins x 20 (in cadence)
Bulgarian Split Squats (other leg) x 20 (in cadence)

Continued the mosey toward the foundry. Stopped at a hill along the way for:

V-Ups x 20 (in cadence)
Big Boys x 20 (in cadence)
Hello Dollies x 20 (in cadence)

Finished the mosey to the foundry and then grabbed a quarter murph. After this, grabbed two rounds of a Merkin Ring of Fire (base position – plank), two round of a Jump Squat Ring of Fire (base position – Al Gore), and Two rounds of a V-Up Ring of Fire (base position – on back, legs 12” off ground).

Moseyed over to the Museum west side steps for:

Calf Raises x 20 (in cadence)
Side Leg Lifts (left leg) x 10 (in cadence)
Side Leg Lifts (right leg) x 10 (in cadence)

Back to flag for COT, coffee afterwards @ PJ’s.