Murph for the Ages – from Space Cowboy
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Murph for the Ages – from Space Cowboy

QIC:Space Cowboy
PAX:Space Cowboy

When I got in my car at 515am on Memorial Day morning, I knew that there was a strong possibility that I would be the only one at Lasalle park considering the lack of slack chatter the previous night and Memorial Day weekend, and I strongly considered going back to bed. Little did I know what awaited me at the park would turn out to be one of my favorite workouts. As I pulled up to the parking lot, I only noticed 1 other car in the lot but it was empty and no one was waiting at the flag. At 5:30, the park was quiet, all the lights were out, and the humidity was thick and heavy, but I was committed to the “Murph” for Memorial Day. As I approached the pad for stretching, I noticed 2 other guys stretching. They immediately noticed my “Murph” shirt that I was wearing from my CrossFit days and they mentioned that they were about to do the same workout. They asked if I was working out with anyone and I stated that I was alone in which they replied in unison, “Not anymore!” Jimmy and Dan who are about 60 years old are visiting New Orleans from Birmingham and Nashville with their families. They are former Marine helicopter pilots and close friends who served in the Gulf War together and I was about to do the “Murph” with them on Memorial Day! Don’t let their age fool you. These guys were in better shape than most 20 year olds and after a brief stretching routine, which they insisted that I lead, we started the Murph.

1 mile around western Lasalle loop
100 pull ups
200 merkins
300 squats
1 mile around western Lasalle loop

When we arrived back at the pad after the last mile run, I thought we were done but Jimmy mentioned that they complete the Murph with 26 (not sure why that number?) Marine burpees which was similar to Superman burpees. After the burpees, they told me that they always have an ice cold Coors after every Murph and they offered one to me from their cooler. How could I refuse having a cold beer at 6:15 in the morning on Memorial Day after completing the Murph with 2 Marine Gulf War vets! It was a good morning.

Thanks to Jimmy and Dan for keeping me accountable today and for their service to our country. Thank you to all that served our country. Thank you for keeping our country safe and strong.