How is it not summer yet?  – from Russo
How is it not summer yet? – from Russo

How is it not summer yet? – from Russo

PAX:Steve, Chewy, Jose10k, Russo

How do I know it’s unofficially summer? Close to 80, crazy humid, not a breeze to be had at 5:15 AM. Oh, and Jose posted which means school is all but wrapped up.

Pax of 4, with regulars Steve and Chewy rounding out our barbershop quartet. Yes, Chewy moved up to regular status this week in YHC’s opinion. Pax Miner is pleased.

Warmup (all 10x)
– seal jacks
– Self love
– Good mornings
– Toe touches
– grass grabbers
– Torso twists

Mosey to the bridge, where at every block it was 20 plankjacks and 20 squats merkins.

At the bridge: 7s (Peter Parker’s 2×1 and Donkey kicks)

– Mosey
– Carioca
– Back pedal
– Lunge walk
– Skip
– Mosey again (I forgot we could sprint, high knee, or side shuffle, knowing a bear crawl was out of the question)

Back at the pad, Mary included some 10x IC core (LMCs, flutters, B2K, Rosalitas, Wife Pleasers, American Hammers) and a column slalom.

COT, NOR, Announcements, and Prayer closed us out. SYITG