Share the Load, get some points.  – from Maneater
Share the Load, get some points. – from Maneater

Share the Load, get some points. – from Maneater

PAX:Cardinal, Wet Tap, Pope, Smooth Operator, Jacknife, Maneater

On the heels of a powerful ACTS retreat weekend, YHC decided to put aside sarcasm, and snark, and blast a little bitta Gospel up in heeya. This beatdown was inspire by Galatians 6:2, in which St. Paul instructs PAX to “Bear each other’s burdens, and you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

PAX often carry emotional burdens akin to a heavy rucksack on a demanding march. Just as a rucksack can weigh down a soldier, the societal expectations, pressures, and stereotypes surrounding masculinity can burden men. These expectations include things like suppressing emotions, shouldering responsibilities “alone”, and adhering to traditional notions of strength and stoicism. Like a rucksack, these burdens can become exhausting, straining both mental and emotional well-being.

Yet, just as a soldier finds respite when they can finally set down their pack, or hand them off, PAX can find respite through the support and understanding of peers. This Ruck was an exercise in sharing our burdens. In the dark and with fog so think you could float a horseshoe on it, six PAX ambled to The Coliseum. Each PAX showed up with his own rucksack, the contents and weight unknown to the other PAX. As we gathered, the simple rules for the ruck were explained. At random intervals, the PAX would switch rucksacks, ensuring that no PAX carried his burden alone. All of the burden was to be shared with all of the PAX. Some Pax packs were heavy, some PAX packs just right. Together, however, our yolk was too easy, and our burden was light.

The Thang:
The course consisted of two miles traveled at a little more than a shuffle. Many topics were covered, but YHC does not remember what they were because YHC has the short-term memory of a Koala (look up koala intelligence, it isn’t very impressive). Hopefully, Through this shared experience, the PAX discovered the power of community and vulnerability, realizing that it’s okay to lean on others and share the weight of their burdens. In the same way, Catholic teaching emphasizes the importance of community and bearing one another’s burdens, recognizing that together, we can find strength and support to navigate life’s challenges…..

Or at the least, got a good workout and a few points to take back to their respective May Challenge teams. Regardless of what PAX took home, YHC is grateful to have share this beatdown, and every beatdown, with such great men.

The Ruck was followed by a COT and Cardinal Prayed us out.
