Bring up the 6 – from Hogs Breath
Bring up the 6 – from Hogs Breath

Bring up the 6 – from Hogs Breath

QIC:Hogs Breath
PAX:Royal Ralph

YHC arrived at the 007, to find Bumper and an Fng doing a pre-thing!
Pass interference and YHC jumped right in!

Warm up with some toy soldiers, butt, kickers, arm, circles, and SSH.

The Thang
Everything was built around the number 6. We began an Indian run, last man would perform burpees then sprint to the front. We continued for 12 minutes.
Then mosey over to the playground, one pax would perform six pull-ups, while the other pax performed rest, plank, and LBC.
There were modifications, but still did amazing and kept up!
Then back out to the big field, cones were placed out about 40 yds and we performed six sprints, one at a time, while the others performed some exercises again in a rotating fashion.
The last 12 minutes was the deck of death, 40 seconds on 30 seconds rest. Lather, rinse and repeat.

During the cot when it came time to name our Fng, he voluntarily told his most embarrassing story. He told us of throwing up at a bachelor party after drinking Crown Royal.
So Royal Ralph was born!