Me and a lone down ranger met in the gloom, when out of the shadows appeared a few good men. Scantron departed on the 5:32 to KNOT-town, wheile the rest mosey’d to the Pile o’Rock.
Warming up
Self Love, Arm circles
Mtn Man Pooper Good Morning – That’s when Frac materialized.
Torso Twists
Imperial Walkers
Low Slow Sq
Slow Vagodas
Pick up a challenging rock and rifle carry to the pavilion
Served up a imaginative smorgasbord of HIM growth food:
Merkin, bird-dog, Merkin, Peter Parker Merkin, Parker, Peter Merkin, mountain climber, Merkin Plank jack – Repeat five times
Broga Stretch
With Rock
Sumo Squat
OH press
Tri Extension
Repeat 5x
Four count wife Freddie Mercury 4 count, Four count wife pleaser, flutter kick ,Four count wife pleaser, Hello Dolly, Four count wife pleaser, O DOlly, Four count wife pleaser, Four count wife pleaser, Parker Peter Repeat 5 times
Broga stretch
Wife pleaser with Rock, 4 Ct chess press, pull over, five big boy situps with rock overhead flutter kicks – Repeat five times
Broga stretch
On the Table – Reverse wife pleaser, L/R leg on table – On Table -5 Leg lifts , 5 Single leg squats each, L/R Leg up on table – 10 CT Stretch each leg, 10 second runner stretch
shake out
return rocks
mosey back