Wally Run…Ruck…KnOT is BACK Baby! – from Bolt
Wally Run…Ruck…KnOT is BACK Baby! – from Bolt

Wally Run…Ruck…KnOT is BACK Baby! – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Charmin, Kenna Brah, Mambi, Mayhem, Pai Gow, Rudy, Scantron, Thumb War, Triple Shift, Two Yutes

Disclaimer given as 10 pax gathered in the gloom with an 11th joining ruckers on the backside for a record Wally Run attendance in a while. Two pax new to the Th ruck (Thumb War and Mayhem) plus the return of Mambi/Pai Gow’s appearance on the run. All pax returning at 6:15—COT.