What the Ruck is going on you Ruckers? – from Shooter
What the Ruck is going on you Ruckers? – from Shooter

What the Ruck is going on you Ruckers? – from Shooter

PAX:Hogs Breath, Steve, The Hammer, Waterpik, Zoolander

Well, I expect the runners at the Scramble. Where are my Ruckers at? Hogsbreath has stayed committed even after the RCR.. So, I ask again but more specific where are my Mandeville Ruckers at?
Thats the theme of the morning as 5 HIMs moseyed through Mandeville, eventually running into 1 Rucker on Messina.. Prior to the mosey a light warmup of 10IC and 15IC Mummy kicks, Selflove, Butt kicks, Seal jacks, Good mornings and some run stretches.. We returned to the AO and completed 5mins of 10IC Mary Little Manny crunches, L/R elbow to knee F/J, heels to heaven 10 OYO and Nolan Ryan’s L/R F/J finishing with a Waterpik go too 20 Merkins..

Appreciate the post and see you in the Gloom!!