A typical Splash Pad Friday  – from Russo
A typical Splash Pad Friday – from Russo

A typical Splash Pad Friday – from Russo

PAX:Russo, Pelican

Return to the 60s for a temp this morning, 62 or thereabouts to be more precise. A return to the dynamic duo after a few weeks of sickness, guest stars, laziness, holidays, other. Great mumble as always, revolving around warranties, insurance, and ESG.

Warmup (all 10x JC)

– Toe touches
– High knees
– Arm circles
– Imperial walkers
– Cherry pickers
– Torso twists

Mosey down to the lake and back, stopping each block to add on group of 10, eventually getting up to a set of:

10 merkins
10 monkey humpers
10 squats
10 gas pumps
10 groiners

Also included 2 calf raises up each of rip’s steps and a minute of Rocky Balboas (2x), with 10 IC freak nastys, BSSs, and step ups (also 2x) at the sea wall.

COT, NOR, Announcements, Prayer, and we headed out.

Quick note: Pelican and I’s church St. Timothy is having a men’s dinner and guest speaker on Thursday, 3/14 if anyone is interested in joining us. I hear that a couple men have already committed, but there will be plenty of room. Tickets are $10 and the meal alone is worth the price of admission.