Fog at The Gipper…Weather and Brain – from Einstein
Fog at The Gipper…Weather and Brain – from Einstein

Fog at The Gipper…Weather and Brain – from Einstein

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, Mobydick, The Hammer

Cool temps with some big time fog at The Gipper this morning.

Warmup: toe touch, windmills, hi jack hi jills, side straddle hops, arm circles, swimmers. high knees, buttkicks, parker peters, side lunges, etc

Thang: 3 sets of cinderblock work, each seperated by an non cinderblock event.
block work – the usual…curls, presses, rows, overhead thrusts, farmer carry, rifle carry, big boy situps, skull crushers, squat thrusts, lunges, etc.
set break 1 – speed skater walk for a city block then back peddle return
set break 2 – mosey to the court house benches for B. split squats, step ups, merkins

Hammer prayed us out.