Cinder Block work at The Gipper – from Einstein
Cinder Block work at The Gipper – from Einstein

Cinder Block work at The Gipper – from Einstein

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Einstein, Mobydick, wee dog

Shelter from the rain was the order of the day, each of us grabbing a coupon and sheltering under the depot pavilion for most of the workout.

Warmup: toe touch, sshops, grass grabbers, shoulder shrugs, imperial walkers, swimmers F&R, hillbillies, hi jack hi jill, planking star stretch.

3 sets of cinder block workout, each separated by a run around the water tower block.
sets included; curls, rows, presses, tricep ext, figure 8s thru the legs, lawn mower pulls, squats, kb swings, merkins, inclined merkins, blockees, wrist curls , murder bunnies, farmer carries, rifle carries, sit-ups with block, lunges with block.

planking star stretch, world’s greatest stretch, 40 second plank

Akbar led us out.