Folsom Prison Blues – from Rudy
Folsom Prison Blues – from Rudy

Folsom Prison Blues – from Rudy

PAX:Bongo, Catfish, Cheese Steak, Chips, Cracklin, DAX, Fracsac, Hawgcycle, Heisenberg, Mahatma, Mayhem, Maytag, Rudy, Thumb War, Tool, Vagabond

21 PAX gathered in the gloom – 1 DR visitor from Katy TX (Happy Meals) and 2 more of the Chips brood – welcome Chip and Dale, his 9 year old identical twins! (also joining were the other 2 Chips boys – Frito Lay and Knucklehead. What a name — “Knucklehead”!!!)

6:30 strikes and after a disclaimer we were off to the rocks. Limber up with some stretches and low impact activities (Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies), then some SSH. We had to restart that after explaining to Maytag how a “cadence” works. Oh, thanks for joining late Mahatma and DAX.

Non-stop chatter from Heisenberg and Vagabond earned a quick 5 burpee penalty. Then go grab a rock.

YHC grabbed a rock that proved to be way too big. But we’ll get to that.

Deck-o-Death: start plowing through the deck with Overhead Press, Curl, Row and Squat. One variant – doing 2, 3 or 4 of any suit barely seems worth the trouble. So when those cards were flipped, we’d do 10 burpees, 20 Peter Parkers or 30 LBS instead. FracSac accused YHC of planting the deck with multiple King of Spades. WRONG. Half way through, Hawgcycle noticed that YHC was struggling – so he snuck in to replace my rock with a mere pebble that he’d been using. Shamed, but thankful…

7:00am – time to call the deck off (half way through give or take) and mosey to the Mini to gather up some bricks. Didn’t quite have enough for everyone – figure it out.

Partner up on the Great Lawn for a Dora-Ish thing. 3 rounds. PAX 1 (timer) runs back and forth with the rock while PAX 2 exercises. Flip. Rinse and Repeat. First round: PAX 2 does Brick-pees. Second round: PAX 2 does FLoyd Mayweathers (with brick). Third round: PAX 2 does Sit Ups. Rounds change on a timer, not on a count – so everyone just keeps going.

7:20 – time for the last item. 56 Years ago today, Johnny Cash recorded Folsom Prison Blues live at the Folsom Prison. So to honor the man in black, we’ll do Ring of Fire while listening to Cocaine Blues, Dirty Old Egg-Suckin’ Dog and other hits. First round with Merkins, Second round with Squats, Third round with Leg lifts.

And that got us to 7:30. Back to the flag for a COT. Naming of Chip and Dale might have been the FASTEST FNG naming I’ve ever been associated with. “I like Disney Land” said one of ’em. And that was that.

Intentions for sick and suffering F3 PAX and friends – Bongo’s wife, Mayhem’s friends the Schaff family in particular (but not alone).

YHC took us home with a reflection about Romans 7. Then off to coffee!