Objects on the field are heavier than they appear – from Kenna Brah
Objects on the field are heavier than they appear – from Kenna Brah

Objects on the field are heavier than they appear – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Bogey, Fracsac, Kenna Brah, Klinger, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Pillsbury, Tenderloin

With a truckload of HIM building gear YHC arrived to find 3 chilly PAX anxiously preparing for a BD,

Said PAX assisted YHC with getting the gear on the field. While enduring questions and jests as to the objects of the gear we set about warming up. Other PAX trickled in as we did.

Slow Grass Grabbers
Slow Hold Vagodas
Arm Circles
Butt Kickers/High Knees
Fence Crossers
Self Love

We laid out the gear in stations:
40# Sand Bag for Squats
30# Coupon for excercise of choice
20# Weighted tire drag as timer across field and back
45# Bar for Curls
6# Weighted bat for MACE work
2-30# plates for Farmer Carry
60# SandBag for Kettel Bell
40# Sandbag for OHP
40# Sandbag carry across field and back

Timer starts the work while a PAX member did each station, we got through 3 rnds of good work.
Took time to return the gear and COT.