Accountability trumps blustery weather  – from Bolt
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Accountability trumps blustery weather – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, PVC, Rev Sox, War Eagle

YHC debated posting as he handed out candy and occasionally ate some (to merely enhance the taste of the wine—er, I mean heart “medicine”). Charmin shared he was a scratch, choosing salvation over suffering in the gloom, as did Minute Rice…my likelihood of posting was dropping with the temperatures. War Eagle called for attendance in Slack and offered to Q—there was no going back; I had to Q lest I be subjected to whatever War Eagle would’ve cobbled together and with text commitment from Rev, it was decided.
Waromrama of the usuals sans music (I did not like it—one and done). Queue the music for the Thang:
30 sec timer holds a pull up position while pax do an exercise AMRAP, rotate until each pax is timer: Merkins, Squats, Derkins, Lunges

Make our way to gym equipment changing mode of transport every other light pole: high knees, mosey, shuffle each direction, Carioca facing each way, walk forward/ backwards, toy soldiers, open/close gate.

Once at the gym, Morning Calls (5 pull ups called while pax plank and move on the count: derkins). The Thang, Thang: Four stations with 1 minute of work
Followed by 10 sec rest/switch stations: Incline press, tricep dips, step ups, decline big boys. Rinse and repeat then mosey back to flag on Rev’s pace.

Not wanting to cheat the pax out of their final minute, on the six for everyone’s favorite: Protractors! That seemed like and 86 second minute.

COT. Prayers for PVC’s nephew, Boo Boo, War Eagle’s wife’s pregnancy, and Bolt’s boss after the loss of her dad. Thanks for keeping me accountable, men.