Splash pad split Q  – from Russo
Splash pad split Q – from Russo

Splash pad split Q – from Russo

PAX:Russo, Pelican

Barely below 70 degrees this morning, with an eye toward early next week temperatures that should be lower. I hadn’t given much thought to a plan, so Pelican and I shared the Q and just did “stuff”. Mostly talked, but we moved around some too.

All 10x IC:
– Arm circles
– Imperial walkers
– Seal jacks
– Self love
– Toe touches
– Cherry pickers
– Torso twists


Mosey down to the lakefront to catch a good view of the supermoon.

At the seawall:
20 freak nastys
20 durkins
20 step ups
20 urkins
20 IC BSSs
10 IC freak nastys
20 durkins

Over to Rips, where it was 5 rounds of 20 calf raises, followed by the trip up and down the stairs.

On our mosey back, we stopped at each block for 10 merkins, added 20 squats on the second block, 30 crunches on the third, and 40 plank jacks on the last.

COT, NOR, and Prayer, in that order. Reminder if you’re reading this that tomorrow is the F3 Northshore Monster Mash ™ at 6:30. Join us for bad Halloween puns (like how it will be a frighteningly good time), themed music (yes, Ozzy and Alice Cooper are on the playlist), and more fun. But no candy.