Tests of Strenth – my Festivus – from Rudy
Tests of Strenth – my Festivus – from Rudy

Tests of Strenth – my Festivus – from Rudy

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Boo-Boo, Fracsac, Hokie, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Mayhem, Pool Boy, PVC, Rudy, SOGO, Tool, Triple Shift, War Eagle, Wedding Planner

YHC decided to try out some fitness tests that have been bouncing around in my head. Whenever I think “this is a bad idea, it probably won’t work”, I recall the immortal words of Hawgcycle from years ago – something to the effect of “Only one way to find out.”

So at 530 am, a solid group of PAX moseyed off towards the rock pile to get started. A warm up of some stretching and imperial walkers. Then a quick trip to the train tracks for some balance work. Try your best to get 5 squats in. Several minutes of this – SOGO was up to 20 squats, Mahatma had quit in frustration, and finally YHC managed 5 things that sort of loosely resembled squats. So lets grab a rock and head to the field.

At the field – YHC announces the Thang. 5 Fitness Tests. My Festivus, if you will.

Test 1: Rifle Carry your rock for 1 lap around the trap. YHC had been curious if this was doable, and if so – how long it would take. The answer: sort of doable, and roughly 5 minutes.

Test 2: The suck (7 SSH, 7 Merkins, 7 Squats), for 5 minutes instead of the usual 3. Dang, FracSac. Those farts were AWFUL.

Test 3: Bear crawl the length of the field, then lunge walk back.

Test 4: The Rock-Suck for 5 minutes. 7 Overhead Press, 7 Curl, 7 Row. Dang, Frac. Those farts were AWFUL. PAX kept shifting to avoid being close, but it didn’t matter. lack of wind meant that noxious fume just hovered over us.

Return the rocks.

Test 5: EMOM burpees for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, the Pickle-ballers decided to bail on this.

Back to the flag for COT. Thank you all for the many years of inspiration you have provided. And thank you Sky Q for the gift of one more year around the sun.