Mighty Moby Motors On – from Einstein
Mighty Moby Motors On – from Einstein

Mighty Moby Motors On – from Einstein

PAX:Einstein, Jose10k, Mobydick, meatlessBBQ

A bit humid at 5:15 a.m., at the A1C, atop the Justice Center Parking Garage.
and with mumble chatter about being tired/stiff from cinder block workouts, a good stretching warmup was in order

all 15xIC: toe touch, neck rolls-standing, arm circles, side-to-side stretch, neck rolls on your six-back-forward-right-left, shoulder shrugs, swimmers, thumb drives, etc.

Thang 1:
Run down the parking ramps to the street, run around the block with four burpees at each corner,
stop at the first small wall for step-ups, left leg first then right leg,
mosey to the second small wall for box jumps – sets of three box jumps.
It was on box jump number twelve where Moby suffered a blow-out, scraping his shin on the wall, YIKES!! If this has happened to you – you know it sucks!
but nothing stops MobyDick…with blood trickling into his shoe…the old man pushes through!
We forge ahead, with run up the parking ramps to the top deck

Thang 2:
on the upper deck, core exercises at the four corners (box-cutters, sit-ups, leg levers, left elbow to right knee right elbow to left knee)
with bear crawl half way across deck, mosey, sprint other half, mosey, repeat.


Jose-10K led us out with prayer, with intentions for quick recovery for the suffering PAX