Downrange PAX brings energy! – from Shooter
Downrange PAX brings energy! – from Shooter

Downrange PAX brings energy! – from Shooter

PAX:Dinghy, Russo, The Hammer, Waterpik, Zoolander

Awoke to another exceptionally mild morning on this 1st of June. YHC can only hope these days continue, however the truth is that one of these mornings will come and the temperature will still be in the 90s from the previous day. When this occurs it will be interesting to see how much more of Russoโ€™s perspiration can be captured in his already soaked attire. It did however allow for conversation with downrange PAX Dinghy about the challenge Jose10k and Zoolander completed awhile back.. Not sure after explanation what was thought, but soon after he returned to his vehicle with a little more urgency as Russo rung out his shirt..

10IC Grass grabbers, Toe touches, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Mountain climbers, SSH, Selflove, and 3 second hold squats.

Off to the same route as last week, yet instead of turning left off of Antibes we turned right and moseyed to east causeway approach returning back to the AO with 10 mins to spare.
PAX used pull-ups for a 1 min timer as the rest completed core. Different core exercises consisted of LBCs, flutter kicks, alternating right over left knee F/J, 100s, and chill-cut plank.

Appreciate Dinghy for closing us in prayer and safe travels to him on the return to Durham..

Until the next gloom ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸผโœŒ๐Ÿผ!!