…and Zoo made two  – from Russo
…and Zoo made two – from Russo

…and Zoo made two – from Russo

PAX:Zoolander, Russo

Right at about 60 degrees this morning for Pax of 2.

Warmup (all 10x to 15x)
– SSHs
– toe touches
– Grass grabbers
– Arm circles
– Self love
– Good mornings

Maybe not tradition, but as has become the norm, we moseyed around old Mandy, stopping every block or so to do a 5-4-3-2-1 rep for different exercises, even stopping a couple times at the Marsh to play on the swing set. Or at least take advantage of monkey bars.

Reps/ exercises
5 T merkins
4 Peter Parker’s
3 Wide merkins
2 8 count body builders
1 Burpee

5 SMCs
4 Ballerina squats
3 Imperial squat walkers
2 Star Jumps
1 Smurfjack

5 pull ups
4 dips
3 calf raises
2 hanging knee raises
1 leg raise

5 Leg raises
4 Crunchy frogs
3 V ups
2 Gas pumps
1 Big Boy sit-up

5 freak nastys
4 durkins
3 BSSs
2 Box jumps
1 Urkin

Reverse! On the way back and at home base, we reversed the rep count (e.g., 5 urkins, 4 box jumps)

Wrapped it up with some Mary: 3 calf raises all the way up the pilot house, and then a slaloming of the columns before count, name-o-Rama, and prayer closed us out.

It is reported a good time was had by all.