Shorts or Pants, at The Gipper – from Einstein
Shorts or Pants, at The Gipper – from Einstein

Shorts or Pants, at The Gipper – from Einstein

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, wee dog

A cool 42 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper. One of those days when the big decision is shorts or pants.

Toe Touch, SSHops, Good Mornings, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Ankle Rolls, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks, Windmills

mosey over to the front of the Justice Center

Event 1: partner up
partner one does a plank walk out with five merkins, repeating this while partner two runs up the promenade and back, then flipflop
– repeating this four times

mosey over to the parking garage upper deck, backward lunging half way up the ramps and sprinting the other half

Event 2: set of elevens, with forward lunge at the ramp top and backward lunge at the ramp bottom, with run down the ramp and back.

mosey back to The Gipper Trailhead

BBQ requested more lunge work, time was up – so he was denied.

Count-o-rama, Legal leads us out with a prayer.

Thanks guys. Always fun to lead