Catch Me If You Can Handle the Heat: Featuring 21s and Dora 1-2-3 – from Goats in the Machine
Catch Me If You Can Handle the Heat: Featuring 21s and Dora 1-2-3 – from Goats in the Machine

Catch Me If You Can Handle the Heat: Featuring 21s and Dora 1-2-3 – from Goats in the Machine

QIC:Goats in the Machine
PAX:Goose, Enron, French Horn, Smooth Operator

The 5 PAX arrived, ready to take on whatever the Exicon had in store for them. Goose led us through a thorough warm-up to get the blood flowing and muscles loosened up.

Thang 1: “Catch Me If You Can”
PAX were partnered and thruppled up in the field between The Stage walking loop and the subdivision entrance. Round 1 consisted of 5 squats while chasing each other via sprint and nerr for 5 laps across the field (edge of the parking lot to the white fence at the front of the subdivision). Round 2 was 6 standing lunges and 3 laps.

Thang 2: “Global Warming”
The PAX formed a circle of pain and held the Al Gore position while slowly shuffling in a circle. The music played, and we did 10 merkins and 10 BBSUs on “sun” to Smash Mouth’s “Walking on the Sun.” Then we switched to Johnny Cash’s “Five Feet High and Rising” and did jump squats based on the number called out by the song.

Thang 3: “Indian Run”
The PAX formed a single-file line of runners, and the last guy in line ran to the front. We ran around the perimeter of the stage walking loop and pergola for approximately a quarter-mile.

Thang 4: “21s”
The PAX did side straddle hops in unison, counting reps 1-5 out loud. Reps 6-21 were all mental, and everyone had to stop together at 21. If anyone stopped early or went over, the YHC had the PAX perform penalty burpees. The PAX performed 3 rounds.

Thang 5: A modified “Dora 1-2-3”.
PAX worked in pairs, with one partner doing the exercise while the other sprinted across the lawn. The exercises were 100 bunny hops, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats.

Announcements: Lumin Christi beatdown on Saturday, more details to come in the GroupMe chat.
Intentions: Lots to be thankful for today and prayers for families.
Prayer: Smooth prayed us out.

YHC is suffering from a shoulder injury due to a late-night rooster wrangling incident (see the group me for the security camera video). Additionally, Goose is suffering from a sore shoulder as well. His injury and athletic ability are a testament to the fact that age is just a number, but there are consequences for trying to turn back the clock. Therefore the decision was made to modify the beat down to minimize arms and exploit legs, core, and cardio.
YHC gave the Pax an option between a 1 Thnag beatdown and a 5 Thang beatdown. The Pax opted for some variety. To craft this beatdown YHC used a number gereratoe to randomly select workouts from the Exicon. There are 31 web pages with 25 line items on each page. YHC had the number generator select 2 numbers. The first number select was between 1 and 31 and the second number selected was between 1 and 25… and BOOM! A “Tuesday Tough” BEATDOWN WAS BORN!
The Pax enjoyed a beatdown that was mor Cardio heavy that usual. According to Enron’s apple watch we ran approx. 2.75 miles.

AI Generatede Linerick:
“We started our workout with glee
Excited for what it might be
Catch Me If You Can, a race
Partners pushed each other’s pace

Global Warming had us in pain
Jump squats and merkins, sweat like rain
Indian Run, kept us on track
21s and Dora, no turning back”