Krewe of F3BacchThothMion  – from Russo
Krewe of F3BacchThothMion – from Russo

Krewe of F3BacchThothMion – from Russo

PAX:Bird, Jose10k, Pass Interference, Russo

Mid 60s and mild this morning after just picture perfect weather over the weekend for revelry in all forms.

School’s out, which means a Jose sighting, and he didn’t disappoint: ready to go with beads (that were conspicuously absent after a while) and light up rings. PI joined us from the ‘Dell to represent the “out of town tourist”, and Bird pulled up a minute or so late, representing the reveler that sneaks his way to the front after the crowds have been gathered for hours. YHC took the position of Q / float captain, and away we went with the Krewe of F3 F3BacchThothMion (mythical god of fellowship, burpees, and mumblechatter).

WARMUP (all IC, 10x – 20x) –
– SSHs (Hey over here throw me something)
– Toe touches (Bend down to pick up the light up beads)
– Arm circles (Wind up the pitching arm to perfectly throw to the babies in the ladders)
– High knees (practicing our St. Paul’s band high steps to impress the judges)
– Torso twists (to clear out the space around you when the late arriving parade crowd infringes on your carefully planned out “perfect spot”)
– Goofballs (climbing the ladder to stand behind the kids in the ladder)

(1) Trivia, then corresponding exercise (with moseys and column slaloms intermittently disbursed between questions)

How many official colors of Mardi Gras? 3
– Suicide – 3 merkins at each column

What year was the first known Mardi Gras parade? 1837
– 18 Peter Parker’s, 37 lunges

What year were floats introduced? 1857
– 18 merkins, 57 squats

When does Mardi Gras season start? King’s day, January 6, or 1-6 (correct answer from Fletch!)
– 16 SMCs

How many floats were in this years Thoth parade? 39 – 15 tandems
– 24 plankjacks, plus 15 shoulder tap plankjacks

What float number was I on? 18
– 18 donkey kicks

What float number was JV on in Endymion 28
– 28 monkey humpers

What float number was Cowbell on in Bacchus? 4
4 crunchy frogs, 4 times

How many scheduled parades (riding, walking, lawnmower, dog) were in and around the New Orleans area this year? 77
– 77 high knees (2 is 1) – up from 71 in 2022

How many all-female Krewes are there? 8 (Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Eve, Femme Fatale, Nyx, Muses, Selene, Iris)
– 8 8 count body builders

(2) “What side you on???”
Pax picks a side, doing the corresponding exercise for that side

Round 1:
Neutral ground: 10 step ups (2 is 1)
Sidewalk: 10 freak nastys

Round 2:
Neutral ground: 10 BSSs
Sidewalk: 10 box jumps

Round 3:
Neutral ground: 15 Durkins
Sidewalk: 15 Urkins

Round 4:
Neutral ground: 15 leg raises
Sidewalk: 15 Gas pumps

Round 5:
Neutral ground: 15 crab cakes
sidewalk: 15 crab cakes

(3) “Throw me something mister!!!”
One man climbs the pilot house to the “balcony”, while another tosses him a foam Endymion football that are now pervasive in YHC’s house. The other men held plank position until their turn.

There may or may not have been flashing to entice a throw.

COT, Name-o-Rama, announcements (Nehemiah project’s Endurathon this weekend, see/contact Hammer for more info) and prayer closed us out.

Thanks for joining/reading. You guys make it easier to get up before 5 on a day off from work and push myself to get better.