Rock The Renaissance  – from Fracsac
Rock The Renaissance – from Fracsac

Rock The Renaissance – from Fracsac

PAX:Abacus, Fracsac, Gabrielle, Heisenberg, Hokie, Tool, Triple Shift, Vagabond

The Renaissance started off with a speaker blasting classic rock and facing the bacon to warm up. YHC was counting cadence but the Pax were too quiet. That brought a 5 burpees penalty. Pax were louder, then dropped off again, which brought 5 more burpees! That got their attention!

Mosey to light posts for a Vagabond reverse Route 66. Start with 11 burpees and work down to 1.

Mosey back to the fountain for stations with a 53# kettlebell sandbag, a 60# sandbag (sweetness) and Triple Shifts wee 40# sandbag. A jump rope and a frisbee made their way in too.

EMOM to get out last burpees to hit 100.

A few minutes left so to the side of the museum for Sunday Mornings.


100% attended Coffeteria.