Die Hard is a Christmas Movie, and Holy Crap it’s cold out here.                 is it cold out here. – from Jose10k
Die Hard is a Christmas Movie, and Holy Crap it’s cold out here. is it cold out here. – from Jose10k

Die Hard is a Christmas Movie, and Holy Crap it’s cold out here. is it cold out here. – from Jose10k

PAX:Akbar, Jose10k, Russo, Shooter, Speedy Gonzales

After the warmups, the PAX moseyed to the courthouse. The tragedy at Nakatomi plaza occurred on Christmas Eve, and we gathered today to honor the hero of Nakatomi: John McClain. The event occurred on the the 30th floor, so that’s where we started. 30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 big boy sit-ups, 30 leg lifts. In between each exercise ran the length of the courthouse leading up to the stairs, up the stairs and then back down. We now stopped at the front of the courthouse stairs. ‘‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring,except for the four assholes coming in the rear in standard two-by-two formation.
Paired up. Partner one : lunge walk to the bushes and back, partner 2= holds an al gore . Repeat.
The terrorists planned to use C4 to blow up Nakatomi Tower. The PAX completed in cadence 15 reps of these 4 “c”ore exercises: lbcs, flutter kicks, Freddy Mercury’s, and cowbells favorite: crunchy frogs.
Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs.
Famous line from the air ducts: time to do some ac duct crawling, while partner 2 does squats. Side not, ac duct crawling no fun when you hit the acorns. Once the pax was finished we ran 1 lap around the entire courthouse. Back to the parking garage to do 5 calf raises each step back to the second floor to do a Hans Gruber pull-up: the pax hung from the raptors for 30 seconds. back to the stair well to do 5 calve raises each to the top. And time was up. Cot, Russo prayed us out. Thoughts and prayers to my father-in-law, my niece and brother-in-law. And to further celebrate the heroics of John McClain, a yell of Yippie Ki-yay Motherfu**er. Thanks for letting me lead gentleman