A cool 41 degrees at 5:15 a.m. atop the Justice Center Parking Garage. With the air so fresh, it would make a can of Febreze blush.
all 20xIC: ToeTouch, SideStraddleHops, ShoulderRolls, ButtKicks, Swimmers, HighKneees, NeckRolls, Scissors(BBQ excels at this), WindMills, One Minute of RockyBalboas
Then off to the ramp for a serpentine run down the ramp, followed by a serpentine backpeddle up the ramp, more or less in an Indian Run fashion.
And for the record, I’m lobbying to have the “Indian Run” renamed to “First Citizen Run.”
Thang: using parking lot stipes as our template, and the four corners for core exercise pit stops:
Round One: Lunge Walk forward two parking spaces and Lunge Walk backward one parking space – traversing the whole uppper deck
at the corners; iron crosses, hello-dollies, rosalittas, front-to-back leg swings
Round Two: StarJack Jump at ever-other parking stipe, increasing the jump count by one every-other stripe; (first stripe 1 jump, next stripe 2 jumps,
next stripe 3 jumps…) – traversing the whole uppper deck
at the corners; across-the-body leg swings, merkins, shoulder tap merkins, crawl bear
Always good to hear the banter and mumble chatter at F3 – just like a bunch of brothers, which we are.
Rock-A-Chaw Fletch led us out with prayer.