Hand Grenada’s Gym-Bor-eaux – from Hand Grenada
HHaanndd GGrreennaaddaass GGyymm--BBoorr--eeaauuxx  ffrroomm HHaanndd GGrreennaaddaa

Hand Grenada’s Gym-Bor-eaux – from Hand Grenada

QIC:Hand Grenada
PAX:Bogey, Hand Grenada, Mayhem, PVC

75 degrees, SEVERE lightening, rain and humidity as thick as bogey’s eye brows…

Pax, pvc, bogey, mayhem, hg

-Intro and disclaimer

-Mosey to rockpile/pond, select rock and head to gym AQAP to avoid ground strikes(conversation ensued btw bogey and hg as to whether the Gym or pavilion would be better shelter from lightening. Bogey, who’s prowess as a shade tree meteorologist was unknown to hg, alerted hg to the fact that the gym in fact was equipped with a “lightening rod” therefore making it a much more suitable choice. Still waiting on Elon’s team of unemployed fact checkers to get back to us on this…)

-warm up: hillbilly ic x15, grass grabber ic x15, Abe vagoda ic x15, on ur face, Floyd mayweathers ic x15, shoulder taps ic x15, toe touches ic x15

-select a stair bay that fits ur personality for hand Grenada’s gym-bor-eaux fizz. 3 rounds of 10 exercises 12, 10, 8 reps each all ic.. calf raise, squat w/rock, side squat w/rock, uphil lunge, step back lunge, grab bags, decline merkin, incline merkin, peoples chair curls, balls to wall.

-mosey back to rockpile/pond, return rock, Mary: LBC ic x15, dying cockroach ic x15, flutter kicks ic x15

-mosey to flag, count off, name o rama, announcement, intentions, prayer, dismiss.

Cap tip to Mayhem for wearing a watch!

Always privilege and pleasure to lead, hg

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