Burn that Turkey – from Fracsac
Burn that Turkey – from Fracsac

Burn that Turkey – from Fracsac

PAX:Carpool, Fracsac, Spaulding, Cheetos

Saturday after Thanksgiving at the Mothership brought a 60 degree Misty feel to the AO. The attendance was light with 4 pax: Carpool Downrange from Houston, Spaulding, Cheetos and YHC, but that didn’t stop us from turning up the heat to burn off that Thanksgiving meal!

Warmup at the flag with regular stuff. Mosey to the peristyle with a stop at the truck to grab some toys:
60 lb sandbag and rope


Burpees x 10 with sandbag (timer)
Battle rope
Big boi sit-ups
Donkey kicks

People’s Chair on columns for 1 minute
10 x 8 count body builders IC
People’s Chair on columns for 1 minute
Monkey humpers x 15


Sandbag overhead lunge and squat x 5 (timer)
Battle rope
Freddie Mercury
Bonnie Blair’s

Mosey to great lawn for BLIMPS at each corner

Mosey back to peristyle for a little Shock & Awe!
SSH x 5 then 10 burpees
SSH x 5 then 9 burpees
Etc., etc

Two rounds of taking turns rolling the exercise die. Jump squats, derkins, American Hammer, Skaters, and burpees all came up.

Finish off with a little Mary.


Good stuff!