Wisdom from Kenna Brah – from Kenna Brah
Wisdom from Kenna Brah – from Kenna Brah

Wisdom from Kenna Brah – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Charmin, Kenna Brah

Started out with just YHC and Charmin so we focus on form and mobility.

Did some Self Love, Standing Twists, standing windshield wipers over some of the playground equipment.

The Thangs:

Do 10 pushups at each light pole, followed by lunging to the next light pole for 10 light poles. Coming back was back pedaling between each light pole with 10 BBS at each one.

Then did some combinations of inclined pullup’s (both over and underhand grip), inclined merkins, dips, and hangs off of the pullup bar.

Finished with some cooldown stretching (think good mornings and toe touches, but slow) and some more self love.

Name-O-Rama, and COT to finish it out