Q for Sale – from Fracsac
Q for Sale – from Fracsac

Q for Sale – from Fracsac

PAX:Catfish, Fracsac, Hawgcycle, Heisenberg, Revit, Rudy, Triple Shift, Igor, Spaulding, Eagle Fang

The Mothership needed a Q, so YHC stepped up around T minus 12 hours and signed up with a specific theme in mind. As Long as we had some solid HIMs post, the theme would work out well. Lucky for YHC, Igor and Spaulding posted, with the latter bringing an FNG. The six others were Hawgcycle, Rudy, Heisenberg, Catfish, Triple Shift and Revit. YHC made it ten. Plant the flag and a brief disclaimer given. 70 degrees and slightly humid, no rain yet.

With an exercise die and a speaker playing classic rock, mosey to the inferior lawn. It’s far from Great these days.
Start the warmup with SSH x 31. At this point YHC unveils the much anticipated theme.

Q for sale.

The rules are simple. To buy the Q one simply states “I’m buying the Q” followed by 5 burpees which everyone must do. Then the buyer rolls the die and leads that exercise in cadence. From that point the new Q can do whatever he wants. There must be at least one Pax that buys the Q before buying the Q again. Two Pax can’t buy it back and forth.
YHC continued with the warmup. Grass Grabbers, Imperial Walkers, and Catfish called to buy the Q. Continued warmup.
Before Catfish could get to his 8 counts, Rudy bought it. He had us doing 11s across the mediocre lawn with jump squats and big boi sit-ups. During this time some of the sprinklers came on which Hawgcycle seemed extremely pleased by. Once the 11s were done, Hawg bought it. After the 5 burpees and the roll of the die he had us crawling under and jumping over the streams of water. Everyone did it similarly except for Triple Shift. He claimed he was using his head, which technically was correct as he had his head right at the sprinkler. Hawg then gave a long drawn out explanation of how we would bear crawl in an arch just outside of the sprinkler reach. Heisenberg then bought the Q. Not sure if he got tired of listening to Hawg or if he just didn’t want to do it. We did some rings of fire. There was a monkey humper demonstration for the FNG which nobody was allowed to watch.
YHC bought the Q back and started a suicide run routine with burpees which Revit would have no part of. He bought it and took us through some Mary. With 3 minutes to go it was chaos similar to what it looks like on the NY stock exchange floor.
0730, mosey back to the flag.

COT and name the FNG. Welcome Eagle Fang!

No NMM as this backblast was long enough. This was a memorable Q, thanks to all for making it a good one rather than a total train wreck that it could have been. Coffeteria at Cafe Navarre followed.