Dance you Frackers, Dance! – from Fracsac
DDaannccee yyoouu FFrraacckkeerrss,, DDaannccee!!  ffrroomm FFrraaccssaacc

Dance you Frackers, Dance! – from Fracsac

PAX:Bogey, Boo-Boo, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Klinger, PVC, Rudy

Conditions: 50 degrees and dry with a wind chill making it feel like 40. Lots of missing Pax.

Alarm went off and YHC debated posting due to some lingering soreness. That thought passed and headed to Pontiff arriving 5 minutes early. Curious who the Q was, pulled up the spreadsheet and saw it was…..FracSac?!?!?

Planted the flag and started talking, apparently not a disclaimer as Rudy quickly pointed out. So disclaimer given and mosey to field for the warmup. Regular warmup stuff with a couple memorable moments. Hand Grenada refuses to dance. Bogey likes to get up close and personal during Peter Parkers.

What to do when not enough time to plan? Don’t act like you don’t know.

Mini Dora:

Assigned partners through count off.
50 Burpees
100 ‘mericans
150 squats

Partner runs to 50 yard line and back.

Burpees and Big Boi Sit-ups
Bear crawl 15 yards between

Dance across the field by lunge walking. This really stretches the knees.

Finish off with Mary, including some wind shield wipers.

Interestingly enough, there was Mumblechatter during the warmup and then it went quiet until the lunge walks.


Thanks for posting with me and for making me a better person.