Dirty 30 – from Akbar
Dirty 30 – from Akbar

Dirty 30 – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, BBQ, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, The Gipper, F3 Northshore

6 strong at the Gipper this morning. YHC arrived early to Jose running up from working on the ISI already. Chatter was so strong it continued through the warm up. Shooters 21 beatdown yesterday, continuing tomorrow at the A1C, getting old, different workouts, Fletch’s hot sauce, and when will the heat stop, and strength in people you would not normally recognize. A large lady walking up stairs in high heeled shoes is stronger than you think.

Warm Up

SSH, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Arm Circles, Toe Touches, Self-Love 15 IC


Mosey to the Justice Center stairs, stopping by the Rock Garden for a small/medium sized rock.

6 men, 6 exercises for 3 rounds total.

x30 OYO

Merkins, Australian Mountain Climbers, Bulgarian Split Squats, Rock Curls, Sister Mary Catherines, Triceps Rock Press

Run around the perimeter, up the stairs for 30 Calf raises, and return. Rinse and repeat x 3. Last round, no run, carry rock up the stairs for 30 calf raises.

LBC and Rosalita’s x15 IC

Announcements: See Slack for details.

Hammer’s leading F3 Bible Study starting Wednesday Aug 17th at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, 830-930pm

St Vincent 500 – August 13th Thibodaux. Goose’s CSAUP to support St. Vincent Pharmacy, 2 man teams for a beatdown style race for points. 3-4 teams from the Northshore already signed up.

September 10th, Coving Trailhead. 911 run to remember 5k or 5 miles. Good representation for our group participating.

Count, Name, and Einstein prayed us out.

Thanks for following my lead – SYITG – Akbar.