Scout it Out – from Goose
Scout it Out – from Goose

Scout it Out – from Goose

PAX:Cardinal, Goose, Paradox, Yankee Joe

YHC knew that in order for this particular beatdown to work, there would have to be more than just a couple of PAX in attendance, and they did not disappoint. Four was the magical number, and after a warmup of the usual, YHC led a mosey to the beginning of Rich Man’s Loop to reveal the rules of the expedition.
While three PAX stayed put at each street light completing a given exercise AMRAP, a lone scout would sprint to the next light and back to let us know if the coast was clear (thankfully, it always was). Once the path was scouted, all PAX moseyed to the next light, and the next man up scouted while the rest pounded it out. Exercises included (but weren’t limited to: diamond merkins, jump squats, big boys, side lunges, werkins, leg raises, star jumps, gas pumps, burpees, shoulder tap merkins, mountain climbers, and others adding up to about 20 total street lights.
Upon return, a couple of ten counts were wanted, and then the deck of death was unsheathed and shuffled. Poker was so much fun on Saturday that YHC decided to give it another go. Largest hand wins, and all exercises in that hand are completed. YHC took the first hand with triple two’s, which might sound easy, there are no easy cards in the deck of death. There are some stupid hard ones, though; every time I open the box I say a prayer that the 400m sprint remains untouched.
Then, it was Deal or No Deal: each PAX pulled a card and could decide if we did that exercise or pulled the next one. If a second was pulled, there was no going back to the first, so it was always a gamble. No 400m sprints were chosen, so all else seemed a merciful gift in comparison (though, monkey humpers plagued us throughout with their sneaky burn).
COT and updates on the SV500–things are coming together well with some high quality PAX registering from NOLA and the Northshore. T-claps to Paradox for all the work and leadership he’s putting in. Be prepared to play a vital role in the coming days, though–there’s much to be done! And, if you haven’t registered, don’t wait, do it right now.
Grateful for these fellas for making these mornings so impactful!