“Brick killed a guy” – from Enron
“Brick killed a guy” – from Enron

“Brick killed a guy” – from Enron

PAX:Enron, Goose, Paradox, Yankee Joe, Wilford Montana

Better late than never a backblast from Monday, 7/18/22.

YHC rolled up to the stage in the dark to prepare for the morning’s beatdown. After some prior recalling from Paradox that it has been a while since the bricks have been seen, a theme popped up. 12 bricks were unloaded and prepared for the PAX. (Fortunately, 2 extra bricks were unveiled as Paradox found that they are more fragile than previously believed).
Shortly thereafter the following started rolling in:

PAX: Enron, Goose, Paradox, Wilford Montana, Yankee Joe

Warmup: the usual plus a couple with a mosey, bricks in hand, to the stop sign afterwards – SSH, WM, AC, Cherry Pickers, Grass Grabbers, IW

After gathering at the stop sign, YHC informed the PAX that the bricks were now a part of them. “There are many bricks like this, but these bricks are mine”. Instructing that the bricks would not be placed on the ground for the remainder of the time.

Thang 1: Rich Man’s Row Run/Nur
Rotating Run and Nur between each light pole along the way, the following exercises were completed at each pole with bricks.
5 x Hand Release Brick Merkins
10 x Flys with Bricks (The clapping/showing-off of the bricks during this is what broke two bricks for Paradox, resulting in having to carry 4 pieces for the remainder of the run)
15 x Arms out Squats
20 x Shoulder Taps
25 x Moroccan Night Clubs
Rinse and Repeat – completed 3 rounds of these before making it back to the front of the Stage

Thang 2: A song – “Brick House” – The Commodores
After some banter about difficulties of connecting to JBL and the ongoing discussion/argument of which portable speaker is best, the song was started. Thanks to Wilford Montana for the correct guess on the year “Brick House” was released – 1977.
The following was performed:
Curls for the duration of the song
Overhead clap on “Brick”
Seal Clap on “House”

Thang 3: 7-18-22s
Chose a triangle using the picnic tables that the PAX are praying are still around for the St. Vincent 500, the following exercises were completed at each one, still with bricks:
7- Moroccan Night Clubs
Bear Crawl to Table
18 – V ups
Crab Walk
22 – Curls

Next Round:
7 – Tricep Extensions
Bear Crawl
18- Floyd Mayweather’s
Crab Walk
22 – Nolan Ryan’s (11 on Each side)
Mosey back

Finished with some brick included Mary.

COT and prayed us out. It was a great experience this morning with these guys, thanks to all that made it.

Till next time in the Gloom,