Ruckin Ramble at the Scramble  – from Shooter
Ruckin Ramble at the Scramble – from Shooter

Ruckin Ramble at the Scramble – from Shooter

PAX:Akbar, Cowbell, Russo, Waterpik, JV

With not much chatter of the Gnarly Nutria swirling around the northern parts YHC anticipated more PAX posting on this Gloom.. In previous years the Scramble following the Gnarly was always a ghost town.. Many of the regulars would post the night before at the Gnarly and take a rest the following Gloom.. The Scramble appears to be reaching a different PAX lately. With the introduction of Rucking the past few months we have seen the likes of Akbar and JV posting more often and this morning we were privileged to have Russo in attendance as well.. Until Cowbells 0515:59 arrival it was looking as though Waterpik would be the only stallion on the streets with his reigns pulled tight.. Thankfully though he and Cowbell have similarities in run speeds and it worked out perfectly… After 5 mins of warmup 10IC Toe Touches, Imperial walkers, Hillbillies, Cherry pickers, Torso twists and Grass grabbers. YHC instructed the Ruckers we would go out 20 mins and return. Offered an idea of directions to the stallion’s and for the most part I believe they charted that very course giving the 2 a 4.8 mile distance at a nice 8:26 pace, which in these summer conditions most certainly deserves a T👏🏼 for sure… We all arrived back at the AO right on time to count, announce and COT before parting ways for the rest of the day..

Appreciate you men posting and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!