Full-body Beatdown Bonus Burpees  – from Bolt
Full-body Beatdown Bonus Burpees – from Bolt

Full-body Beatdown Bonus Burpees – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Fracsac, Glamper, Kenna Brah, Pillsbury, War Eagle, Stroganoff

Warmorama Rapper’s Delight edition
The Thang: make our way from exercise pad near flag to exercise pad on David Dr. side using the path via alternating side shuffles, stopping at each bench for five burpees (Frac is a semantics stickler and informed us a picnic table is a picnic bench therefore a burpee station). Arriving at the exercise equipment, we assumed the following stations: pull ups, dips, leg press, incline bench, horizontal lat pull, rower, incline sit ups for tabata sets of AMRAP then rotate counterclockwise (a concept War Eagle’s millennial brain couldn’t follow, thus chaos ensued). Return to flag via same route, method as before. Frac was pleased he exceeded his RDA of burpees during a beatdown. Welcomed FNG, stroganoff, who is Glamper’s 15yo 2.0.