Surprise I’m the Q – from Kenna Brah
Surprise I’m the Q – from Kenna Brah

Surprise I’m the Q – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Boo-Boo, Charmin, CyberCajun, Hawgcycle, Kenna Brah, Logo, Rev Sox

After recovering form the shock of sudden Q syndrome, we mosy’d to the Blue playground for warmups

Arm circle circuit
Sloooow Vigodas
Imperial Walkers

Magic impromptu Dora variation
Set 2 teams of 4 A,B,C,D 3 Rounds, each PAX does each station 3x
Team 1
Pax A 20 BB Situps as counter
Pax B Traverses balance Beam
Pax C Static hold on parallel bars
Pax D Australian Pullups

Team 2
Pax A 20 KBS as counter
Pax B Coupon OHP
Pax C Coupon Rows
Pax D Coupon Curls

Next Set each PAX does each station 3x
Team 1
Pax A 5 Each leg explosive step ups as counter
Pax B Agility drill over balance Beam
Pax C Assisted bunny hops between parallel bars
Pax D Watch you balls over the “fence”

Team 2
Pax A 20 Coupon Sumo DL as Counter
Pax B Coupon Split Squats
Pax C Coupon Side Lunge
Pax D Coupon Front Squat