Surprise!  It’s a Cinder Block! – from Goose
Surprise! It’s a Cinder Block! – from Goose

Surprise! It’s a Cinder Block! – from Goose

PAX:Cardinal, Goose, Roughneck

YHC arrived later than a Q should, and Cardinal and Roughneck were just starting to compose a lament to top the one I wrote last Monday after being jilted at The Stage. So, YHC hurriedly threw open the tailgate and said, “Grab a coupon,” missing the blank look on Roughneck’s face that would have reminded me that he’s never attended a coupon beatdown before. I usually deliver a pitch acknowledging the awkwardness of running, squatting, gripping, adjusting, etc. with a cinder block, and raving about the benefits of all that it entails (both interior and exterior), but in my haste, the pitch wasn’t given, and Roughneck was left trying to figure out the “right way” to do it all. YHC gave some pointers as far as using your legs, saving your back, etc., but the vision for just raw “gettin’ it done” and the benefits of muscle confusion and getting strong in ways you wouldn’t in the gym was left unsaid until the very end. But, again, Roughneck stepped up and powered it out with the help of the ever relatable, always willing Cardinal.

Warmup of the usual with a mosey to the bumper and back.

Thang 1: 11’s
One end was the stop sign closest to the bumper, and the other end was the next light post. Curls at one end and goblet squats at the other; rifle carry there, and random coupon carry back between the two.

Thang 2: Keep it Movin’!
Round 1–While Partner 1 did continuous sets of 5 tricep presses, 5 block situps, and 5 block swings (kettlebell style), Partner(s) 2 executed the ol’ block and bear (bear crawl while dragging the block forward from between the legs every couple of steps) to the benches and back.
Round 2–Partner 1 did the same continuous aforementioned exercises, but Partner(s) 2 traversed the field and back using Murder Bunnies as the mode of transportation.

Short Mary filled the remaining two minutes with leg raises, and hello dollies.

COT w/discussion about the relationship between F3 and cinder blocks, and about the awesome growth in popularity of the Tuesday beatdowns in Houma. YHC prayed us out with gratitude for awesome weather and awesome brotherhood.

Till next gloom,