Frac Rocks the City – from Fracsac
Frac Rocks the City – from Fracsac

Frac Rocks the City – from Fracsac

PAX:Baywatch, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Hokie, Tenderloin

Frac week continued with a stop at the AO known as Rock City, The Rock City, The Real Rock City. The theory that Slaughter proposed would once again be put to the test.
Warmup started with the typical stuff, including 31 SSH and of course MNC where dancing was highly encouraged.
Mosey to the rock pile.
Circle up for a little modified shock and awe.
SSH IC x 5 followed by 10 burpees OYO
SSH IC x 5 and 9 burpees OYO
Stop at SSH IC x 5 and 3 burpees OYO
That gets us to 52.
Partner up and grab a rock, a big Rock, a Real Big Rock! Heisenberg took this quite literal!
Partner 1 Carrie’s the rock ahead while partner 2 does 5 squats and 2 Merkins then sprints up to swap. Out about 250 yards and back.
Throw the rocks back and mosey to the field.
EMOM x 5 with burpees. 10 for first 3 minutes and 11 for last 2 minutes. That’s another 52!
Last we played a little variation of ultimate football followed by some Mary with Catalina Wine Mixers x 10.



The pax proved again that Slaughter was wrong. These men were not soft in the 1st F, they were strong in the 2nd F and they exploded with the 3rd F!
Thanks for joining me today as YHC celebrates his latest journey around the Sun!