White elephant (Special co-Q by Pokémon Deez Nuts)  – from Russo
WWhhiittee eelleepphhaanntt ((SSppeecciiaall ccoo--QQ bbyy PPookkéémmoonn DDeeeezz NNuuttss))   ffrroomm RRuussssoo

White elephant (Special co-Q by Pokémon Deez Nuts) – from Russo

PAX:Bushwacker, Hammer, Jose10k, JV, Steve, Zoolander, Russo

Cooler-than-normal temps (50 degrees) greeted the Pax of 7 this morning for a recycled/repurposed beatdown. But, hey, it was new for ‘22, and for at least some, it was new to them, so we proceed!

Warmup (All IC, 10x to 20x)
– Toe touches
– Arm circles
– Good mornings
– Self love

Dirty Santa / White Elephant. The rules are simple:
(1) Each HIM picks a number.
(2) Number 1 picks a random gift/exercise from the bag (in this case, a quart sized Ziploc) and performs said exercise while the other HIM perform the standard (e.g. 10 merkins).
(3) Number 2 has a choice: Number 1’s chosen exercise, the standard, or a new “gift”. If he chooses either of the first two options, the one who had their “gift” stolen can steal or select another mystery “gift”.
(4) Around and around we go, until all HIM have a chance to select.

The “gifts”:
-10 merkins
-18 jump squats
-25 squats
-8 Hand release merkins
-20 hello dollies
-14 leg raises
-30 monkey humpers
-25 plank jacks
-4 krakken burpees
-8 SMCs
-15 murder bunnies or groiners
-20 bear crawls
-10 diamond merkins
-50 high knees
-24 Apollo ohnos
-12 star jumps
-2 calf raises
-20 hip slappers
-12 hallelujah squats
-33 cherry pickers
-6 donkey kicks

Between rounds, Pax also moseyed around Granny’s, on occasion doing the “column slalom” ™ to provide for some strategizing.

There was just enough time to get in 20 IC Freak Nastys, a trip up the pilot house with 2 calf raises on each step, 10 star jumps at the top, and a quick round of a Mary (20IC American Hammers and Wife Pleasers).

COT, name-o-rama, announcements and prayer closed us out.

MVP to JV for his outstanding work imitating a bear for almost an entire round.

I appreciate you all joining me and letting me lead another All-Star crew.