Monday counting lesson – from PVC
Monday counting lesson – from PVC

Monday counting lesson – from PVC

PAX:Charmin, Gabrielle, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Mahatma, Pillsbury, PVC, Rudy, Spalding, Marlin, Tenderloin

Warmorama – SS, AbVagoda, and Arm circles

Mosey to rock pile, walk rock to exercise field

Tabata workout: 1 minute on 7 secons rest:
BB sit up, Soldier crawl(SC), BP rock, Lunge, Squat, Lunge, Curl rock, SC, Mtn climber, SC, tricep rock, Lunge, Flutter kick, Lunge, Shoulder press rock, SC, Mexican bean jump, SC, BP rock, Lunge, Merkins, Lunge, Squat rock, SC, BB sit up

Walk rock to rock pile, mosey to flag